Baking & Biking
Maria Rosângela | Brazil
In January 2021, I was in a difficult situation in my personal life. During the pandemic, I had the opportunity to take the "Start and Grow My Business" training online. The following week, I was invited to enroll in Start Now. It helped me a lot to keep myself busy during these hard times. During the training sessions, I had the opportunity to take part in the trading activity and started my Income Generating Activity.
I started making broths and mungunzá, a sweet Brazilian dish. My husband and I go out on our bicycles to sell our products in our village. On rainy days, we sell freezies and other items in front of our house; and, when there is an event in the town square, we take the opportunity to go and sell our merchandise!
Because of ACE, I learned that I have to keep records of everything. I also decided to start small, and now I want to build a bigger store in front of my house with even more products! I am very grateful for the self-reliance courses and for the Academy. They have motivated and taught me how to start and grow a business. Today we support our house with the sales of these products! Thanks to Start Now, we learned that we can start a business and achieve self-reliance through entrepreneurship.